Creating opportunities for economic growth in Wyoming, the Cheyenne-Laramie County Economic Development Joint Powers Board, a joint venture between the city of Cheyenne and Laramie County, Wyoming, provides economic development resources to organizations and community projects in the county. The JPB does this by:

  • Facilitating and promoting the sound economic growth of Laramie County and the communities within.

  • Promoting employment opportunities for the citizens of Laramie County and the communities within by creating or encouraging the expansion of businesses which contribute payrolls and tax base to Cheyenne and Laramie County.

The JPB shall review applications for financial assistance from the businesses, agencies, business liaisons, and other entities conducting business or licensed within Laramie County. Approval of financial assistance contingent on board approval, JPB financial standing, and funding.


The Cheyenne-Laramie County Industrial and Economic Development Joint Powers Board (JPB) was formed pursuant to W.S. § 16-1-103 by agreement between the two governing bodies dated May 12, 1987 and has been amended. Pursuant to Section Four Powers and Duties of the Joint Powers Board, the JPB was authorized and commanded to adopt by-laws to carry out the business of the JPB.
